What to know about Ticks

Playing outdoors is a great part of our day at Kind Roots. However, it’s important to know people who work and play outdoors are at a higher risk of getting diseases from tick bites.

 Before we go outside

Article “Choosing an Insect Repellent for your child”, Last Updated: 4/28/2023,

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Environmental Health and Climate Change (Copyright © 2021)

Our Tick Repellent Choices

Before You Go Outside: How to cover-up your child for going in the woods

We recommend light-colored long-sleeved shirts and pants to help protect your child from ticks and poison ivy.

Tuck shirt into pants and tuck pants into socks when heading into tick and mosquito-prone areas.

Wearing hats can cut down the possibility of ticks getting into your child's hair and light-colored clothing allows for easy spotting of the tick.

Fact: Ticks don’t jump, fly, or drop from trees onto your head and back. If you find one attached there, it most likely latched onto your foot or leg and crawled up over your entire body. Ticks are “programmed” to try and attach around your head or ears.

 When your child gets home

Check your Child for ticks after a day outdoors.

Teachers at Kind Roots will conduct a full body check upon return from potentially tick-infested areas, right before nap.

We suggest you do the same once your child returns home.

Check these parts of your child’s body for ticks:

  • Under the arms

  • In and around the ears

  • Inside belly button

  • Back of the knees

  • In and around the hair

  • Between the legs

  • Around the waist

How to remove a tick

  1. Use clean, fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible.

  2. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you cannot remove the mouth easily with tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal.

  3. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.

  4. Never crush a tick with your fingers. Dispose of a live tick by

    • Putting it in alcohol,

    • Placing it in a sealed bag/container,

    • Wrapping it tightly in tape, or

    • Flushing it down the toilet.

Did You just remove a tick?

Place the tick in a piece of tape and note the location and date of the bite. Save the tick.

*Note: Blacklegged (Deer) ticks are the primary ones responsible for transmitting disease

Watch for symptoms for 30 days

Call your healthcare provider if you see any of the following:

• Rash
• Fever
• Fatigue

• Headache
• Muscle pain
• Joint swelling and pain

Treatment for tickborne diseases should be based on symptoms, history of exposure to ticks, and in some cases, blood test results. Most tickborne diseases can be treated with a short course of antibiotics.

*Consider sending tick in to be tested for Lyme and other co-infections (strongly suggested if symptoms do appear)

Tick Bite Assessment

Tool to assist in the removal of ticks and seeking healthcare, if appropriate, after a tick bite

Did you find a tick on your child?

you are in the right place!