Rhythm OF Our Day
Routine is important for children, but please understand the nature of our learning requires a flexible schedule.
Parent/Guardian Sign in using Brightwheel
Children use potty, wash hands, go through arrival routine.
Children place name stone in “I’m Here” basket
Hang up items in cubby
Free Play and Slowly warm-up to the day
We offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, breads, and dairy products for snack. Children are encouraged to try foods but never forced to eat anything.
Auditory cue (animal sound) followed by a transition to Circle gathering
Mindfulness & Breathing exercises
Teachers Lead in Welcome song
Children share anything they would like
Teacher shares an interactive activity informed by seasonal happenings, children’s interests, or skill development.
Activity might include storytelling, songs, games, science experiment
Time for children to work on individual projects, choose their work, explore provocations and invitations set out for learning.
(Also, might start to get ready to leave for field trip-Parents will be aware of where and when field trips take place)
We offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, breads, and dairy products for snack. Children are encouraged to try foods but never forced to eat anything.
Children Explore, wander and engage in nature play. Teachers supervise, observe and document learning.
Teachers incorporate additional tools, materials, or games to further the children’s interests, skill development or nature connection.
Arts (Such as Music, Painting, Crafting) will be offered if child wants to participate.
Children Wash hands, share gratitude for food and enjoy lunch together Family Style.
Family Style teaches children:
• choosing from well‐balanced and nutritious meals
• how to serve themselves
• eating how much they choose to eat
• trying new foods
• the skills of eating at a table with others
• following positive role models
• table manners
• good eating habits
• positive relationships with food
Children go potty, wash hands, and move to sleeping bags, or cots
Wind Down time consists of children choosing from:
Reflection time through journaling
Sit Spot
Romping around in the woods and backyard expends a lot of energy. We give children more than enough time to be able to learn how to self-meditate at their own pace. It might take one child longer than another to truly start to relax and we want to care for the whole child and every child. Being a child is not only physically exhausting, but emotionally exhausting. Their brains are working overtime to absorb and process social situations, information, observations, and their own assessments of each event.
For your child’s comfort, we provide a cot, sleeping bag and pillow. If your child sleeps best with a security stuffed animal or blanket, that item can be brought each day. Nap time items are washed every Friday or immediately if soiled.
Teachers offer a song to gently wake everyone
Wake up routine: Children pack up gear followed by light stretching
We offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, breads, and dairy products for snack. Children are encouraged to try foods but never forced to eat anything.
In the backyard, the children play in a natural playscape that includes a gathering area, a mud kitchen, gardens, grassy areas for large motor play, bird feeders, natural percussion area, sand pit, veggie garden/compost, tree parts and a fort.
Closing Circle
Children share thoughts inspired during their wind down time. Children share ‘Stories of the day’. Teachers record stories.
Closing gratitude and good-bye song.
Kind Roots closes between 4:00-4:30.
Be sure to say goodbye to your child’s teachers so they know you are leaving.